StockHand App: Cloud Setup Screen

StockHand App: Cloud Setup Screen

What does the Cloud Setup Screen do?

The cloud setup screen allows you to sync everything, reset and view login details, view pending/completed requests and view sessions. 

To reach the cloud setup screen:

Step 1: Press Setup from the home screen.

Step 2: Press Cloud.

After pressing Cloud, the following screen will appear.

Sync Everything Now:

Enables you to sync everything to the database.

Reset Login Details:

Enables you to reset your login details for the Stockhand App. Click here for more information. 

Pending/Completed Requests

If you create an action using the tools screen whilst you are out of wifi or mobile data range these actions will appear in the Pending/Complete Requests screen. Click Here for more information.


Enables you to view and delete the sessions you have created on your Stockhand App. Click Here for more information.

Article #1734
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