Importing Tag Bucket Files

Importing Tag Bucket Files

See the following link on how to download a tag bucket file from NLIS.

Step 2. Select the appropriate Bucket Type you have received 


Step 3. Removing the Header

If you have received the tag bucket file from the NLIS database you must remove the header for the import to work.
To do this, simply tick the check box next to â€˜Remove Header’

Step 4. Creating a Visual ID

To create a Visual ID from the NLIS number please see the following link on Creating Visual ID's.

Step 5. Click on the Import from Tag Bucket button


Step 6. Select the file and click to open

Browse until you find the tag bucket file, select that file and click Open to load the file into the program.
Records from the tag bucket will not be displayed if the associated Electronic Id is already on file. 

Step 7. Visual ID linked to Electronic ID can be changed  

The default Visual ID that is linked to the Electronic ID can be changed if you wish.
Simply type the required tag number into the VID column opposite the correct EID.

Step 8. Select All


Choose Select Count to confirm the number of animals selected

Now you can either Save to Unallocated Tag List or Update Existing Animals depending on your needs.
NOTE: If visual Id's have been calculated, caution is needed when updating existing animals as this process can change the Electronic Id and Nlis Id. of an existing animal in your database. If in doubt please contact support. 

Article ID 733
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