How to Update Stockyard

How to Update Stockyard

Outcross Systems is constantly working on developing and improving Stockyard to meet industry standards and users' needs. There are regular updates to the program, and in order to benefit from new features and maintain the program in peak performance, it is advisable to check for and perform these upgrades.

Step 1: Verify which version you currently are on: 

Go to Help at the top right-hand side of the Main screen.
Release Notes can be found on our Outcross Systems website.

To perform an update, the backup and update must be done on the server machine.
If you are using DCM, please contact Outcross Systems before you perform an upgrade.
It is a good idea to notify other users of Stockyard that there will be an update happening so they have time to save anything they are working on.

Step1: Perform a Backup

System > Backup System and follow the advice in the knowledge base

Step 2: Perform the update

Go to System > Check for updates
If you do not find System > Check for Updates, you are not on the Server.


Log on to the machine acting as the server and open STOCKyard 

On the Main Menu screen, click ‘System’ and then ‘Check for Updates’

After clicking ‘Check for Updates’. An update window will show the progress.

Once the update is complete.

The update window will close, and a notification will appear at the bottom right of your screen.
Other workstations will be alerted about the available update.

Please save all important work.

Click 'OK' on the popup -
STOCKyard will restart.

Step 3: Update Workstations

Once the server has been updated, all other workstations will show the above alert and begin to update in 5 minutes or sooner if someone clicks on OK.
Stockyard will close and on reopening will have been updated.

Step 4: Verify the new version has been installed

It is advisable to verify that the each workstation is now updated to the latest version. 
Go to Help on the top right-hand side of the main screen.

To catch up on what has been included since your last update please go to the Release Notes on the Outcross Systems Website

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