Backing up your Stockyard database
How to Backup Stockyard

Frequent Backups are vital in case of computer failure and preservation of current data from any unwanted changes.
Talk with your IT to ensure they are backing up your system regularly. If you need assistance in setting this up, contact
Outcross Systems Support.

Backing up data should be performed before doing any major changes e.g. upgrading Stockyard or whilst learning the system (especially in Accounting).
This means, should any unwanted repercussions occur, you can return to your original data and try again. In this case, using a
Test System is also a good idea to help in learning the system and performing certain tasks.
To create a backup,
- Open Stockyard to the Main Menu screen of the Server PC
Go to System --> Backup System

You will ONLY see Backup System on the Server PC
If you can't see Backup System, please find out which device is the Server
- Now choose a folder (either on the PC or Shared/Network Drive) and click OK to confirm the location
- The default location for backups will be usually stored in C:\Belvoir\Backups

A popup will appear saying "Backing Up Databases"... this may take a few seconds to minutes (depending on size of database) to complete. Please be patient.

Note: It is advised to take a backup when no one is using the system (such as after hours or a down-time)
How to check if the Backup has Completed Successfully
Once the Backing Up The STOCKyard System completes (it will close), check out the location of where the backup was saved.
- Open the ZIP file
- You should see a folder called Databases
- If you DO NOT see the databases folder, please contact Outcross Systems Support
- If you DO see the databases folder, the backup has been successfully been performed. This ZIP file will be needed in case of database loss or corruption.
- What you should see in the database folder is the following (each Company you use in Stockyard will also be saved - where XXX is your Company Code):
- BelvoirC5XXX
- BelvoirC5HistXXX
- BelvoirC5SystemXXX
- BelvoirNLIS
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