Before closing the month, it is a good idea to create financial charges so they appear in the correct month. Financial charge journals are generated for financed clients. This option is found under Actions in the Taskbar Menu in the Accounting Module.
Note: Financial Charges are created for accounts that owed anything during the period chosen i.e. outstanding monies might have been paid by the end of the month but they still would have been outstanding during period you are electing to create the charge for. Discretion needs to be used at the time of creating the charges whether or not you want to actually charge for the amount that was outstanding during the period.
When this Action is selected, a screen will be displayed that allows you to set-up the charge and select the clients to charge. All charges are displayed for checking purposes before generation.
Step 1: Set the Interest Ledger Accounts
If you have never generated financial charges in Stockyard before, you will need to set the ledger account/s for the charges to be journaled to.

Using the
Test System to understand the outcome of the whole process is helpful in preventing unwanted/incorrect journals being created.
a. Select ‘System Accounts’ from the ‘Maintenance’ menu and click on the ‘Accounting’ tab.
b. Enter the ledger code or search your ledger tree for the Interest Received income account.
If you also pay clients’ interest, set the Interest Paid expense account.
c. Save the settings.
Step 2: Set the Client as Financed in the Ledger
- Open the relevant client accounts in the Ledger.
Change the ‘Financed’ field to ‘Daily/Overdue’.
Select Daily to calculate interest on a daily basis for all transactions in the account. This may include currently undue entries i.e. a sale has just been completed but not yet fallen due.
Select Overdue to calculate interest on all transactions that have fallen due i.e. Sales still within their pay-by period will be ignored.

To verify the payment due and number of settlement days for each sale type go to Livestock > Sale Types and click into each sale type as these could vary.
c. Click on Save.
The clients with Financial Charges will appear in the summary screen as follows in the Finance column.
Step 3: Create the Financial Charge
a. Run the Ageing Debtors/Creditors Report
This helps you understand how long the amounts have been outstanding. This should be run at month end before closing the month.
b. Go to Actions > Generate Financial Charges
d. Select your Client/s
- If you know the account code for your client, enter it in the space after Accounts and select it when it appears.
- If you don't want to use the code or would like to charge several clients in the same ledger category, click on the drop-down to show the ledger tree.
- Using Search once you see the Ledger Tree will bring up currently financed ledger accounts. They will be mixed as Debtors and Creditors, Daily & Overdue.
- To do a more specific search, click on a specific classification and then click Search e.g. Buyers/Vendors etc to bring up one specific group of clients.
- Alternatively, right click on the a classification and confirm you want to select all accounts in the dissection

- Select the daily or overdue clients from this list according to your financial charge type.
- Hold down shift to click on a range of consecutive accounts.
- Hold down control to click randomly to select accounts.
Once you let go of Shift/Control, those selected accounts will be displayed in the Charges window.

e. Set the Charge
Mode: Select either Debtor accounts (creates debit journals) or Creditor accounts
(creates credit journals).
Financial Type: Daily Charges or Overdue.
If you have chosen a group of clients to charge, ensure they all correspond to the charge type. Verify this information under the Financial Type Column
Journals for the corresponding Financial Types will be generated only if they match the financial charge
e.g. no journals will be made for the overdue clients in the example below as the charge type is Daily.
Charge Rate (%): Enter the per annum charge rate, up to 4 decimal places.
Lower Limit: If you want
to exclude clients with a low balance enter the lower limit amount in this
Dates: Enter the
start and end date for the charges to be calculated by selecting from the calendar e.g. weekly/monthly/quarterly dates.
The Journal Batch Date is the date the
financial charge journal will be applied to the client accounts. This defaults to
the ‘End Date’. However, you may change it if required.

It is a good idea to create these journals for the last day of the month and before closing the period.
Click ok to create the charges.
Step 4: Apply Interest
Once all
the charge information has been entered, click OK. This does not apply the charges yet, but calculates and displays them in a grid for verification.
Use the Ageing Report to verify the proposed charges. Payments that have been made during this period will still attract a charge as amounts were outstanding during the chosen dates. Zero the charge amount if you do not want that client to be charged.
Clicking in the green charge column for a specific client, allows you edit the charge if need be.