Archiving animals

Archiving animals

Archiving animals

Animals that have been made inactive are available for archiving  i.e.  Make an Animal Inactive

To make an animal I nactive select the animals you wish to dispose of >   Select Events  >   Sale/Death/Disposal  
Once an animal is made inactive they will be put on the  Animals Waiting to be Archived   list.
This is a procedure that removes the animals from the current animal listing, thus keeping this list as small as possible, making filtering and reporting faster.

Step 1.  Click on  Utility  >  Animals Waiting to be Archived  menu option

Step 2. Select the animals to be Archived

  • Once you have the list of archivable animals displayed, simply select the animals that you want to archive (and note that you can also pre-select the animals to be archived from the current animal listing when the  Include Inactive  box has been ticked).
  • Click on the  OK  button.
  • Click  Yes  to Confirm message: 'Please note that once these animals have been archived they will be unavailable for many reports. If required for reporting, they may need to be retrieved from archived status. Archive selected animals (X)?' (X = number of animals)
  • Click  Yes  to Confirm message (if received): 'You currently have the main animal list open. All selections will be cleared after archiving. Proceed?'
  • Click  OK  to Information message: 'Archive Complete'.
  • Click  Cancel/Exit   button

Selecting animals for archive:
  • A dark  green  background means that you have selected an animal.
  • You may select animals in a contiguous group by clicking on the first animal in the group, holding down the Shift key and then clicking on the last animal in the group.
  • Individual animals may be selected or deselected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the animal.
  • You can also select animals (inactive ones) on the main list screen before clicking on this menu option and those ones will be selected (green background) on this list.
  • You can also use the   Select All  and  Deselect All   buttons.
  • Animals that have been added through the  Fast Build Pedigree Tree  option appear in   maroon   italics. Once you have finished adding "pedigree only" animals, you should archive them.
To view your list of archived animals:
  • Click on the  Animals  >  Archived   menu option.
  • If you have accidently archived an animal, click on the animal/s to highlight and then click on the  Make Current  button below.

Article ID 1275

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