Adding an ET Calf

Adding an ET Calf

Adding an ET Calf

Before adding a new ET animal make sure that you have your ET module set up correctly in Stockbook.
For instructions on setting this up please follow this link:  Creating an ET program.   
After your ET module is correctly set up the ET calves can be added

Step 1. On the add animal screen ensure that the mating type is set to 'ET': 

  Step 2. Select the correct Donor Dam and Embryo ID

When 'ET' is selected the following box will appear allowing you to select the correct donor dam and the Embryo ID that is set up in your ET Module.

Once these details are set up you can select the Birthing dam so that all correct data is on your records. 

Step 3. You can now enter basic animal details

  • Primary ID
  • EID
  • Weight
  • Sex
  • Mob 
  • Group
  • Paddock

Article ID 1943

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