Creating an ET Program

Creating an ET Program

Embryo programs consolidate all of the activities associated with a specific embryo recovery - joinings, flushes, freezing and implants. 
  1. Select the ET Module and Add a new program;
  2. Enter Joining Details;
  3. Enter Flush Details;
  4. Review Embryos.

Adding Embryos:

Step 1. Add a new program:

  • Click on the ET Module toolbar icon.


  • Click on the Add button to add a new embryo program.


  • Enter a unique Program Name and Date.
    The date would normally be the date of flushing of the Females in the program, but not necessarily so.
  • Click on the  OK  button.


  • Click on the Yes button, to the Confirm message: 'Do you want to add details for this program now?'
  • You will be taken to a screen titled Details for Program AA/SH2015.
    Program Name for this example is AA/SH2015

  Step 2. Enter Joining Details (Sire joined with Donor Dam):

  • Click on the Joinings tab.
  • Click on the Add button.


  • You will now record the joining details for the Donor Dam:
    • Select your Donor Dam from the dropdown menu.
    • Enter the Date of the join.
    • Select the Sire from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Join Type. 
      In the case of AI, select the AI Type.
    • No. of Straws.
      If joining type is by AI.
      This number will be checked against the semen inventory of the specified sire.
      For an AI, you need specify a Batch No. (number) already on file for the entered sire.
    • Fill out remaining details as required.
  • Click on the OK button to save.
  • Clicking on OK will prepare the form for a new entry.
  • To exit the screen, press Cancel/Exit.

Step 3. Enter Flush Details (Donor Dam flushed):

  • Click on the Flushes  tab 
  • Click on the Add  button


  • Select the Donor Dam from the dropdown menu.
    You will only be able to select Donor Dams that have already been recorded as a Donor in the program.
  • Enter the Date for the flush by clicking in the Date box.
    It will automatically default to 7 days after the recorded join date for the selected dam.
    You can update this date manually.
  • Sire field will generate automatically, based on the Donor Dam and Date.
  • Enter the required Embryo information:
    The amount entered in the Total Used field will be the amount of embryos the program will record. 
    Total Embryos will be the sum of No. Implanted, No. Frozen, No. Infertile, No. Degenerate
  • Practitioner 
    (vet or person who performs the procedure).
    Click on dropdown list to select a contact or click on the + button to add a new contact.
  • Select the Freeze Technique if applicable.
  • Reference tab may be used to record a client or similar detail.
  • Comment, for example giving detailed thawing instructions.


  • Click on the OK button to save


  • Click on the Yes button, if you would like to automatically add the embryos from the flush as a group.
  • Click on the No button, if you would like to add them by yourself one by one.
  • Clicking on OK will prepare the form for a new entry.
  • To exit the screen, press Cancel/ Exit.

Step 4. Embryo Review

(A) Embryos automatically added from the Flush as a group.

  • The Embryos that have been entered as used will be found under the Embryos tab.


  • You can Search For Embryo. Simply type in the first few characters of the relevant item, and the system will hone in on the nearest match.
  • You are able to Filter for embryos based on:
    • Donor Dam
    • Recip. Dam
    • Sire
    • Status
    • Flush Date
    • Implant Date

To Edit an embryo:

  • Click on embryo to highlight it
  • Click on the Edit button, alternatively you can double-click the embryo
  •  If you would like to make the same adjustment to multiple embryos, select the embryos and click Edit
  • To enter a Recipient Dam:
    • Select the Recipient Dam from the dropdown list (or click on + button to add a recipient dam) 
      You will need to select the Recipient Dam before you change the Status of the Embryo to In Utero, Born, Aborted or Rejected 


  • The status of the Embryo should be updated as changes are made.
    This can be done by selecting the embryo and changing the Status via the dropdown list.

    • Status  phases include: 
      • Aborted
      • Born  
      • Destroyed
      • Frozen
      • In Utero 
      • Lost
      • Rejected


  • The status of the Embryo will have to be changed to make related changes. For example, recording Source & Sale Details
  • Donor Dam, Sire and Flush Details will fill automatically.
  • Implant On refers to the date the embryo is implanted in the Recipient Dam.
  • Synchronisation, Stage, Quality and Side details will range and should be completed if known or required
  • Resulting Animal is the the progeny of the Embryo Transfer
  • Click on the OK button to save
  • Clicking on OK will prepare the form for a new entry
  • To exit the screen, press Cancel/ Exit

To Delete an embryo:

  • Click on embryo to highlight it
  • Click on the Delete  button


(B) Add Embryos one by one

  • Click on the Add button
  • Fill in details as above

To Print a list of embryos:

  • Click on the Print List  button
  • The Print List option on the Embryo screen will allow you to print a detailed report of the life of the Embryo Transfer/s within the program
  • Embryo Lists can also be accessed via Reports > Embryo Lists


If you are using a Back-up bull, you will have to enter details outside of the ET Program

Recording a Backup Sire:

  • Click on the Animals toolbar icon.
  • Select the Dams from the main animal list.
    Use the Search for Animal for individual searched or 
    These will be the same as the 
    Recipient Dams in the Embryo Program. 
  • Click on the  Events  button at the bottom of the screen.


  • Select Joinings (Bulk).
  • Click on the OK button.


  • You will need to complete two separate events, one for Bull In date and one for Bull Out date. The process for each is the same.
  • The type of Joining will be Natural, as if you are using AI you would have already recorded the AI joining within the ET program.
  • Enter the date for Bull In, Sire and any other required details.
  • Follow the same process to enter a date for Bull Out (tick the Bull Out)  box.


  • Click on the OK to save the Event
You have now recorded your Back-up Sire joinings. The Sire of the offspring will be calculated based on dates so it is essential the dates you record are accurate.
To see how Sires are calculated please see this link


Article ID 1113

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