Address Book
Updating the Company Details
There might be times when you need to update your contact details e.g. address, email, phone number etc. For this to show correctly on any reports, the information should be changed in your company record. Step 1. Identify the company record. ...
Setting up Email Queue
What is a Queue? A queue allows you to quickly manage Printers and Emails using the Print Queue options available in Livestock, Clearing Sales, Accounting, Address Book, and Postman. For instance, the Email Queue can be used by multiple email ...
Adjusting Email Settings
Updating passwords and other email details can be done by changing the following settings. If there is a new email address being used, ensure you have updated this address in your Company record in Address Book. Address Book > Search e.g. Your ...
Importing Contacts into Stockyard: CSV
To import contacts from another software, please download this csv template and add the required details. Please refer to the below table when completing the template: If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Outcross Systems on ...