Processing EFT Payments
Once the all the payments have been loaded and you are on the Banking Payments screen. Step 1 - Click on Balance to start processing the .aba file. You will be asked to confirm the EFT Application/Processing Date. This is the date that the payment ...
Bank Runs & Making Corrections
Bank Runs The ‘Bank Runs’ feature allows you to View previous bank deposits & payments. Adjust bank account details after the aba file has been created but before it has been uploaded. Print cheques and deposit slips for cash and cheque deposits, ...
Banking Deposits
Banking Deposits The Banking Deposits sub-module of Accounting facilitates the receipting money into your bank from Debtors e.g. Purchasers. It is best to use this module in conjunction with your physical bank statement to ensure accuracy. The bank ...
Banking Payments
The Banking Payments button facilitates the paying out of Creditors (i.e. Vendors, Suppliers, Contractors) from Stockbook. Step 1. Open Banking Payments Step 2. Select the Bank If there is more than one bank account, select the account you are making ...
Reconciling Under/Over Receipts
Rounding issues occur from time to time. Ideally amounts received should be receipted in the Banking Deposits window, using the physical bank statement amounts, before entering the Bank Statement. This ensures the correct amounts are available in the ...
Generating Financial Charges
Before closing the month, it is a good idea to create financial charges so they appear in the correct month. Financial charge journals are generated for financed clients. This option is found under Actions in the Taskbar Menu in the Accounting ...
Submitting .aba files
Step 1. Check that the Bank is set up to send an .aba file correctly: 1. Go to the Ledger and find the required bank ledger account. 2. Double click and open the bank ledger account and verify the account details are correct. i. SBN - the Bank's ...
Attributes and their Uses
The Address Book is the hub for customising settings for the Livestock, Accounting and Clearing Sale modules in Stockyard. Attributes are created to help filter information, or assist in giving special treatment to an individual in a sale. These are ...
End Of Month Processing
Prepare for End of Month Processing (EOM) Prior to rolling over into the next month, the following activities should be conducted: Step 1. Confirm all contractors have been paid. Use Banking Payments to pay out contractors e.g. transport companies ...
End of Financial Year
Introduction The End of Year process is an accounting function that has two basic purposes - Gives access to a 13th accounting period used to enter EOY financial journals, Journals the total of all open income and expense ledger accounts to a ...