Stockbook Basics
Install and Register Stockbook
To get started in Stockbook you will need to download, Install and register the program. Install Stockbook Go Select Client support Select Stockbook Client Downloads Enter your Client ID & Password (provided in the Outcross ...
Bulk Changes - Basic Animal Details
Bulk Changes The bulk changes feature is used to change a certain piece of information over an entire group of animals rather than individually. Ensure you do a Backup before making any bulk changes. A bulk change cannot be undone. Select the animals ...
Inactivating Animals (Sale/Death/Disposal)
Recording a Sale/Death/Disposal will make an animal Inactive on your database and will no longer appear as an active animal on the main animal screen. Sale/Death/Disposal Recording a Sale/Death/Disposal event will cause an animal to become Inactive. ...
Backup, Restore and Synchronise (Sync) Stockbook
1. Backup to your computer or external hard drive Select File > Backup Database Select the backup location (i.e. a folder on your computer or an external hard drive). Select OK A backup file name will auto generate and cannot be changed. Enter a ...
Mobs, Groups, Livestock Class, Paddocks and Properties
Setting up Mobs, Groups, Livestock Class, Paddocks and Properties is an integral part of the Stockbook setup process. It will allow you to filter on a specific group of animals and will assist in reporting. Add an item: Setup > select desired option ...
What to do when you get a new computer
What to do when you get a New Computer When you are transferring your Stockbook program and data from an old computer to a new one, there are a number of steps involved: Backup the data from your old computer; Install Stockbook onto your new ...
Basic Animal Filtering
The following steps will assist you in finding an animal or group of animals. More than one option may be selected from the drop down lists Any combination of the following Steps may be used. 1: Select Filter Click on the Filter Button 2 - Location ...
Add Animal
To add an animal in Stockbook Select Add Enter the animal details Select OK to add the animal into Stockbook. Article ID 4186
Stockbook Setup Wizard
Stockbook Setup Wizard The Setup Wizard offers a quick way of getting started. You will complete 5 simple screens which allows you to setup basic information such as properties, paddocks, mobs and groups prior to adding your animals. Items can be ...