Data Entry
Entering semen when sire is not owned by property
How do I enter semen into semen inventory when the sire is not owned by my property? Step 1. Add Sire You will have to add the sire first in main animals screen Click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen Step 2. Enter the Sire Details Enter ...
Importing tag bucket files to add to existing animals
Tag Bucket Files are used to import e.g. NLIS IDs for cattle that are already on Stockbook. When you purchase your NLIS tags request the supplier provides a file (either on disk or email) containing NLIS IDs and related EIDs. This list can also be ...
Partial Identification Tag Search (Wildcard Search)
A Wildcard Search is a search for an individual animal's Visual Id/Management Tag, when you do not know all the details of the tag number. A wildcard is a character that may be used to represent one or more other characters. Stockbook uses % and _. % ...
Adding a New Database
Step 1. Click on the File > Other Databases > Manage Databases menu option Step 2. Click on the Create New button at the bottom of the page Step 3. Fill out the following: Type - Local Description - the name you wish to use as the title of the ...
Adding a new trait to an animal and measurement option is not available
When adding a new trait to an animal and the measurement option is not available. Step 1. Go to Setup > Performance > Traits. Step 2. Select the relevant trait, then click the Edit button. Step 3. Make sure one of the Live Data Entry/Import Options ...
Adding new calves - cannot change paddock
If after adding a new animal, the paddock/location or mob needs to change as it has defaults to the dam. This occurs as Stockbook assumes that the calf is not yet weaned from the dam when it is being entered. The best way to reassign the calf to its ...
Change minimum breeding age
In Stockbook you are able to change the minimal breeding age of an animal to suit your system. To do this you must change the setup of your livestock type. Step 1. Go to Setup > Livestock types menu Step 2. Select which livestock type you are working ...
Importing Tag Bucket Files
See the following link on how to download a tag bucket file from NLIS. Step 1. Go to the Electronic Id > Establish EID link from Reader/Tag Bucket menu option. Step 2. Select the appropriate Bucket Type you have received Step 3. Removing the Header ...
Exporting Weights to Breedplan
Exporting weights to Breedplan Step 1. Animals can be either: selected on the basis of any animal whose performance data matches the entered criteria e.g. weight type, date range. (see Step 3), or preselected on the main animal list (see below) Click ...
Select Animals on the Main Animal Screen
Select Animals on the Main Animal Screen Option 1: Random animals To select random animals (non-sequential) on the main Animal screen Click on the first animal to be selected Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on the other animals ...
How do I record joinings?
Recording Joinings: For single sire bulk joining i.e. One bull for a group of Cows: An event is one of several predefined activities that may be performed on a single animal or group of animals e.g. joining. The list of possible events may be seen by ...
Bulk Planned Joinings
Planned joinings are those which have not actually happened, only planned. To do a Bulk joining please see the following link: How do I record Joinings? Step 1. Select the females you wish to do the planned joining for Step 2. Click on Events Step 3. ...
Download a tag bucket file from NLIS database
Download a Tag Bucket File from NLIS database Step 1. Go to Step 2. Select the Log In option Step 3. Login to NLIS Enter your NLIS user ID and NLIS password Click on the Login button Step 4. View devices on my property In the ...
Filtering by SG Management Group (GMG)
Filtering by SG Management Group (GMG) Filtering by Sheep Genetics Management Group or Genetic Management Group to see what animals are in that Group: Step 1. Click on the 'Filter' button Step 2. Search for SG Management Group Enter the SG Management ...
How to Save an Excel File as a CSV File
Always create a copy of a .csv file before opening to avoid loss of data If you are importing data from excel into Stockbook the file must be in a Comma Delimited file otherwise known as a .csv file. If you have long numbers in your file (e.g. Sheep ...
Adding shrinkage factor to an animal after it has been weighed
Adding shrinkage factor to an animal after it has been weighed Procedure for adding a shrinkage factor on animals after their weight has already been recorded in Stockbook Step 1. Select the appropriate animals that you would like to add the ...
Fast Build Pedigree Tree
When building your animal list, you may require a full pedigree history to be also on file for each animal added. Stockbook provides a convenient method of doing this. We recommend that you place all your current animals on file first (oldest to ...
User Lists
User Lists This articles helps you understand how to use the functions of the User Lists in Stockbook. If you are in the animal list and you select the User Lists button, you will get the following options: Setup User Lists The setup user list screen ...
View the dressing percentage
View the dressing percentage Step 1. Select the Animal Select the animal from the main animals screen by clicking once and highlighting it green. Click on the Carcase field. Step 2. The dressing percentage will appear listed under Sale Meat Yield. ...
New Animals with ID of Existing Animals
Breed societies such as the Charolais society and the Hereford society have different methods of identifying cattle. It is important that you know how these systems work so that animals can be easily identified in Stockbook. This will be applicable ...
Error 7507
Receiving an Error 7507 Step 1: Go to Utility >Maintenance Step 2: Hit Reset Record Pointers Article ID 668
How many stock were active at a past date
How many Stock were Active at a Past Date Step 1. Stock Reconciliation Go to Reports Stock reconciliation Step 2. Select Type Select the Type as As At and in the As At box select the relevant date Untick Included Archived Animals if you don't want ...
Creating a Multiple Sire Group
When you are joining a group of sires to a mob of females, it is possible to set up a 'Multiple Sire Group' so that you have a record of which sires were used for that joining. Multiple Sire Groups allow you to represent a group of sires by one ...
Using a multiple Sire Group in Stockbook
Using a Multiple Sire Group in Stockbook There are two ways you can use a multiple sire group in Stockbook. When adding an animal, example a calf or a lamb, you can use the multiple sire group in the sire A multiple sire group can be used when ...
Submitting a DNA Test Request to your Breed Society or DNA Testing Provider
Step 1. Select the applicable animals Select the animals in the animal list that you wish to perform the DNA test request for. Step 2 . Select the export criteria. Select File > Export Options > DNA Test Request Form Step 3 . Fill out the form as ...
Change the display & view order of the main animal page
Changing which columns are displayed Step 1. Click on the Change Display button Step 2. Select All or None for your selections Click on the All button to select all the options, OR the None button to clear all the selections. Click the Close button ...
Importing ASBV's
Step 1. ASBV File Download the ASBV file from the Sheep Genetics website. Login with Sheep Genetics User ID and Password Go to the top right corner of the webpage and click on tools and go to downloads Step 2. ZIP File Click on the .ZIP file This ...
Treat/Feed history option is not available
The Treat/Feed tab option in the Current Animals screen in Stockbook might not be showing on your screen If this tab is NOT appearing at the bottom of the screen you need do the following: Step 1. Click on the Setup > User Options menu option Step 2. ...
Animals not becoming Inactive
Animals have been disposed through Events, however they are not becoming Inactive. If the animal is marked as agisted it can't be disposed of by using a normal Sale/Death/Disposal event. Use an Agistment End event instead. Step 1. Select the animals ...
Entering lamb deaths for Sheep Genetics
Entering lamb deaths for Sheep Genetics When an animal has a lamb and it dies at birth, how does it get recorded as a dead lamb for the purpose of Sheep Genetics analysis In order for Sheep Genetics to deliver accurate genetic information, ALL lamb ...
Contacts: Filter by category
Filtering for a specific group of contacts in one category in Stockbook: Step 1. Select the Contacts menu item from the Stockbook menu. Step 2. Select the category or multiple categories by ticking the box next to the category name. This will filter ...
Cannot send NLIS data to database
If you are trying to report a dead animal for example, and the NLIS upload isn't working: Check your details in the Setup section are correct. Article ID 643
Animal Counter Option
Seeing the total number of active animals displayed in an animal list Normally, Stockbook will automatically give you a count of the number of active animals displayed. Click on Animals icon on toolbar. You will find the number of active animals down ...
Swap between NILS and NAIT
Swap between NILS and NAIT databases Step 1. Go to Setup > User Options Step 2. Select the different database Click OK Article ID 1429
Duplicate values in Excel
Finding and highlighting duplicates in an Excel spreadsheet column: An example of when you may wish to find duplicates in Excel is to confirm that there has not been any human error when inputting data into Excel. Step 1. Highlight the column in ...
Import Sheep Genetics data into Stockbook
Import Sheep Genetics Data into Stockbook Go the Sheep Genetics website: Login to the Sheep Genetics system using your login and password Find the file to import and save it to a convenient location Open Stockbook ...
Exporting contact list to excel
Step 1. Contacts Click on the Contacts toolbar icon. The list presents basic details of every contact in your database. A Dark Green background means that you have selected the contact. You may select contacts in a continuous group by clicking on the ...
Changing the default mob of a calf
When you are entering new calves in Stockbook it may default to the dam’s mob. If you would like to put the calf into a different mob (e.g. based on year born) you will need to change the settings. Step 1. Select the Setup > User Options menu options ...
Progeny Lists
Finding all progeny for a selected group of females. Step 1. Select (or filter and select) the females for which you require a progeny list. Step 2. Click on the User Lists toolbar option, to create a new user list. Step 3. Create a new user list, ...
Animal Count Display
Stockbook will automatically give you a count of the number of active animals displayed. You can turn this off by going to Setup > User Options. If you choose switch this option off, you will see a List Statistics button. Click this button whenever ...
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