Weights Data Import from CSV file

Weights Data Import from CSV file

Importing a Weights Data CSV file into Stockbook  

Until you are confident in importing the values please make sure to take a Backup before importing the data.
If you have the CSV file open, please close it. Stockbook will not import data from a CSV file which is open.

A. Ensure your Data Lines Up Before the Import

Import the Data File

a.  Go to File and click on:
  1. Import Options
  2. Details From Data File

b.  Browse for the required file using the file explorer found in step a). 
c.  Select the file to import.

c.  Skip "Step 2." on the Data File Import window

d.  Go to "Step 3." Set your import options:
  1. Under the Date Format make sure the date format is set as shown below
  2. Set the Default Obs. (Observation) Date to "Today's Date"

e.  Under "Step 4". Match the fields and line up the following:
  1. Primary ID
  2. Data Type > Life Data
  3. Stockbook Field > ID

iv.  Press OK once the above fields show.  
v.   Stockbook will then import the data file and find any missing IDs
If there are any errors it will provide you with a data file to view and update the VIDs on the CSV so that it imports correctly.

Tips for Successful Data Imports

The key to success is to do the data import in small blocks so it is easy to spot errors.
Use the import settings as above but leave the Default Obs. Date empty.
Stockbook will provide a list of errors in a PDF format if there are any discrepancies.
  1. You will need to fix these on the CSV file before the data will import in full.
  2. Additionally, Stockbook will tell you how many animals have been imported.
Once you are happy with the data lining up you can line up the fields you can proceed to Importing the Weights.

B. Importing the Weights

Once the above data is correct the weights can be imported into Stockbook. 

Please note that in this example data is imported against the animal's ID (VID).

Configure Data

a. Under "Step 3":
  1. Make sure to select the Default Obs. (Observation) Date on which the weights were collected.
  2. Select the Default Obs. Code.
If the Default Obs. (Observation) Code you are after is not in the drop down,
click on the “ + “ to add your desired Obs code.

b. Under "Step 4". Match the fields:
  1. Primary ID
    1. Data Type > Life Data
    2. Stockbook Field > ID

  2. Weight
    1. Data Type > Weight
    2. Stockbook Field Weight
If the file has multiple dates on it do not select the Default Obs Date in Step 4.

3.  Date 
  1. Data Type > Date
  2. Stockbook Field > Observation Date

4.  Press OK and allow Stockbook to process the data
  1. Check for errors and fix any produced 
  2. Press Close

C.  Locate and View the Imported Data

In the Animals Home Screen:

  1. In the Yard Sheets/User List Filter
    1. Type in “Last Import”
    2. Press TAB on your keyboard

  2. Highlight an Animal
    1. Click on Weights (blue hyperlink at the bottom of the screen)
    2.  This will show the imported Weights and Weights History

  3. Using the Prior or Next buttons check that the other Animals have the latest weights data.

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