Using a multiple Sire Group in Stockbook

Using a multiple Sire Group in Stockbook

Using a Multiple Sire Group in Stockbook

There are two ways you can use a multiple sire group in Stockbook.
  1. When adding an animal, example a calf or a lamb, you can use the multiple sire group in the sire
  2. A multiple sire group can be used when joining females
Before you can use the multiple sire group, you must first create one. See  Creating a Multiple Sire group  on how to create a multiple sire group

To add a multiple sire group to a new animal:

Step 1.  Click on the  Add  tab in the Animals screen


Step 2.  Fill out the animals details

  1. In  Birth Details  click on the  Sire drop down box
  2. Select the multiple sire group that you have created for this purpose
  3. Finish entering the animal details and select   OK
The animal now has a record of all the sires that were used with the joining of its birthing dam.

To use a multiple sire group when joining females


Step 1.  Select the females that are to be joined

  1. Click on the  Events   tab
  2. Select the  Joinings (Bulk)  menu option
  3. Click on the  OK  button

Step 2.  Enter the applicable joining information:

  1. Click on the  Sire drop down box
  2. Select the  multiple sire group
  3. Click on the  OK  button

Step 3.  Click on the  Yes  button to confirm that you want to record the nominated mating type for the selected females

Article ID 870

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