Complete and accurate Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declarations (LPA NVDs) play an important part in risk assessment for anyone in the livestock industry allowing animals to be verified as safe before or on arrival at the sale. Stockyard easily assists saleyards, agents and buyers identify animals at risk of contaminating the health or food safety chain in real time. Animals being sold are verified through the Extended Residue Program (ERP) check in the NLIS Database link which provides an Early Warning (EW) Status on the PIC associated with it. Detection of an issue before the animal is sold and/or delivered upholds the safety of the chain and also allows a little time to fix any issues flagged before the sale is completely processed.
Sometimes Vendors loose their accreditation e.g. they have forgotten to pay for their
registration. This is identified by the ERP check after NVDs have been entered into Stockyard. The agent must then be notified to resolve the issue before the sale commences.
In order to complete the sale, the status then needs to be updated in Stockyard. To do this:
1. Open the NVD screen in the sale;
2. Right-click on the vendor with an orange ERP Status, which might also be showing as pending.
3. Select Force ERP Enquiry from the dropdown list.
This will automatically verify the status of the vendor and update it to "Clear No Test; LPA A" removing the orange flag.
4. If the status remains orange, click on the Refresh button at the top of the screen to refresh the sync. If the screen is still showing the status as orange, verify that the details are up-to-date in the NLIS website by logging into it.

If there are any further concerns about the status, you can do a Force ERP Enquiry again or as many times as you like - it will just refresh the system.
5. Once the
details have been updated on the NLIS website this will update the vendor's
record and the sale can be processed as usual.

If an agent would like to have a copy of the ERP data, the Pre-Sale Summary is one of the easier reports to use.