Before a sale starts, ensure you have calibrated the scales so you can verify that the weights taken are accurate (from the Scale Indicator to the PC) :

- Roll on your approved weight (e.g. 50kgs of weights)
- Ensure all gates to the weighbridge are closed (or in the same state as when the animals are present on the scales).
- Open the Scale Interface icon on the Taskbar

- Verify that the weight on the Scale Indicator and Scale Interface match by verifying they say the same weight.
e.g. your approved weight is 50kgs on the scale indicator, confirm that the Scale Interface is also reading 50kgs - Print the Scale Validation Report (from the Scales Interface) and keep it safe for any later weighing queries
Weighing with Lot Recognition is the best practice in opening lots by scanning an RFID before the weighbridge. When the animals get to the weighbridge, the overhead reader scans the RFIDs as they enter, accurately selecting the lot to be weighed. This process automates lot selection, preventing mistakes, and gives the operator more time to check the breed/sex and number of animals when weighing.

RFIDs that do not load the Lot are non-readers or are not accurate in the system
- Take the animals out of their pen to be weighed at the Weigh Bridge but first they are scanned by the Overhead RFID Reader to open the Lot
- The Scale Interface on the PC will then begin reading the weight, which will gradually increase as the animals slowly move onto the scales.
- Verify you have the same number of head on the weighbridge compared with the number of RFIDs - the RFID counter appear in green.

- Check that the lot markings are correct according to the what is on the animal. e.g if the lot says 7 HEAD/S (shoulder), there should be 7 animals with a mark on their shoulder
- Depending on the screen in Stockyard, you will need to click Save or on the weigh to confirm the selection.

The Weight when steady will highlight in GREEN colour, unsteady will appear as RED
Option B: RFID reader is at the END of the Weighing Process
1. Animals will be pre-drafted and step onto the scales.
2. Verify that the number of animals according to the lot are on the scales.
3. Verify that the lot markings are correct according to the marks on the animals.
4. Once a steady weight has been reached, click into the weight reader screen to populate the field in the lot.
5. Release the front gate will be open and the RFIDs will be read as the animals walk out.
6. The RFID counter should count up to match the number of head stipulated in the lot. It will turn from red to green when correct.
A previous weight is locked onto the scale but showing zero on the scale head:
1. Is the Test Weigh button ON?
The Test Weight button allows you to add a random weight and send the data to the program. It does not actually take a weight measurement off the scales.

To test the weights follow the calibration procedure above.
1. To reinstate live weighing, deselect the button and the options on the bottom right-hand-side of the screen will disappear and clear the weight.
2. Bring the animals around again and pass them through the weigh-bridge as normal.
RFIDs are not being read when re-weighing animals:

RFIDs cannot be read a second time within 5 minutes.
Put the animals in a holding pen and let a couple more lots pass through before reweighing.
If a lot has too many animals/RFIDs in it:
Use a scanning wand to figure out which animal either has a double tag or should not be in the lot.
Scale Interface is not Visible/Icon is not on Taskbar
- Go to the Main Screen and click on Device Controller > Restart Device Controller on the left-hand side of the sceen. This should reopen the window.
- If the window does not reopen, log all the way out of Stockyard and log back in. The icon should reappear.
- If the window still does not open, restart the computer.
The Scale Head is not talking to Stockyard
- Check the Comm Port Settings.
Click on Comm Port to verify which port the scales should be using. - Then go to the Main Screen and click on Device Controller to verify which port the scale says it is using. These should be the same port.
- Next, go to Task Manager and check how many users are logged onto the computer. If more than one, log the other person out.
- Log all the way out and close Stockyard and then reopen.
- If the scales are still not working, restart the computer.
Also, check that all plugs have been pulled out, dusted and reconnected.
Lots not Appearing in Weigh Screen
Ensure that the per unit is set to KGs not per head in the Lot screen

If all else fails, please call Outcross Systems Support on 1800 799 107.