The data in Stockbook needs to be published to the Cloud in order for your handheld device to be able to receive the information in Stockhand.
Step 1. In Stockbook, go to File > Publish to the Cloud

Step 2. Click yes to publish the database to the cloud
You will be asked to log into the server to publish the database
Your login details are your Client ID for all three fields
Press OK once these details are entered

Step 4. Syncing to the cloud
The sync to the cloud may take a few moments, when the sync has completed you will get a message to say the database has been successfully published to the cloud.
Step 5. Download the Stockhand App
Download the Stockhand App from Google Play store (Android) or App Store (iPhone) and then proceed to open the Stockhand App icon on your phone.
Step 6. Login to the Stockhand App
You will be asked to log in, your login details are your Client ID for all three fields.
Enter these and press Login.

Step 7. You are now Logged in
Once logged in, the app will take you directly to the database page, showing you the database you have just published to the cloud.
Article ID 1754
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