Stockbook Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard offers a quick way of getting started. You will complete 5 simple screens which allows you to setup basic information such as properties, paddocks, mobs and groups prior to adding your animals. Items can be added at a later date via the setup menu or on-the-fly by using the plus + button next to the drop down list on the appropriate screen.
Please refer to the quick start guide or full manual for more detailed setup information
If not automatically prompted, click on Setup > Setup Wizard menu option
Read instructions
Click on the Next button to continue
Step 1. Setup Properties
Every animal on file can be assigned to a property and a paddock. Although paddocks are optional, if using paddocks they can be linked to a property.
You can use your Tab key on your keyboard after entering information in each text box. Use the on screen Add and Delete buttons to add and delete whole lines of data in the table.
A Property Identification Code (PIC) is an eight-character code allocated by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) or an equivalent authority in each state or territory to identify a livestock-producing property. The PIC forms the basis of Australia's food safety and traceability programs.Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Repeat process for each property
Click Next button to accept data and to continue to Step 2
For Example:
Step 2. Setup Paddocks
Enter the paddock name, the property it belongs to, the area in hectares and the date the paddock was created.
If you do not want to use paddocks you can just enter your property name as a paddock and link it to your property
Name - This must be unique
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Property - Every paddock must be linked to a property. Select the property from the drop-down list
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Area - In hectares
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Creation Date - This is optional unless you have Stockbook linked to Farmbook
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Repeat process for each paddock
Click Next button to accept data and to continue to Step 3

Use the on screen Add and Delete buttons to add and delete whole lines of data in the table.
For Example:
Step 3. Setup Mobs
Mobs are a convenient method of organising animals e.g. corresponding to physical mobs in paddocks. A mob can however be split over several paddocks and can be used as a wider grouping method that a paddock.
Enter a unique code and mob name and species for each mob
Click in the text box in the Code column and enter a unique code. e.g. 2017 HFRS
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Enter the mob name in the Description column. e.g. 2017 HEIFERS
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
Click on the drop-down arrow to select a Species. e.g. Cattle
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box. (Repeat the above instructions to add another Mob.)

Use the on screen Add and Delete buttons to add and delete whole lines of data in the table.
Click Next button to accept data and to continue to Step 4.
For Example:
Step 4. Setup Groups
Groups are a convenient method of organising animals outside a paddock or mob. A group could be set up for a particular management purpose, eg. Breeding Cows or Sale Bulls.
Enter a unique code, group name and species for each group
Click in the text box in the Code column and enter a unique code. e.g. BRCOWS
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box.
Enter the group name in the Description column. e.g. BREEDING COWS.
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box.
Click on the drop-down arrow to select a Species. e.g. Cattle.
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box. (Repeat the above instructions to add another Group.)
Use the on screen Add and Delete buttons to add and delete whole lines of data in the table.Click Next button to accept data and to continue to Step 5.
For Example:

Step 5. Setup General Options
Click in the Trading Name text box to enter your trading name. (This name will appear on all Stockbook reports.)
Click on your Tab key on your keyboard to move to next text box
You can enter a Commercial animal ID. Prefix that will be attached to the start of each visual ID on any commercial animals added to the system
Click on the Finish button
For Example:
Article ID 2020