If you don't have Stockyard Mobile installed yet, follow these steps to get started:
For Android Devices (Samsung, Google Pixel, etc.):
Open the Play Store (sign into your Google account if prompted).
Search for Stockyard Mobile.
Tap on Download to install the app.
For Apple Devices (iPhone, iPad):
Open the App Store (sign into your Apple account if prompted).
Search for Stockyard Mobile.
Tap on Download to install the app.
Once the app is installed, follow these steps to set up the connection to your server:
Open Stockyard Mobile on your device.
Enter the following details:
Description: Enter the site name (e.g., "Casino Saleyards").
Use Hostname: Ensure this option is ticked.
Hostname: Enter the IP address of the server with the port number (e.g., XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:6795
). If unsure of the IP address, please contact Outcross Systems for assistance.
Device Name: Name the device you're using (e.g., "John's iPhone").
Use basic connection method: Leave this unticked, unless your server's SM service is not using the latest security protocols.
Tap Save (located in the top-right corner) to save the connection settings.
Once saved, Stockyard Mobile will attempt to connect to the server. Ensure your device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the server.
If you encounter connection issues, verify that the device is on the correct Wi-Fi network.
For further assistance, contact Outcross Systems.
If the IP address of the server changes, you will need to update the connection settings in Stockyard Mobile. Follow these steps:
Open Stockyard Mobile.
Tap the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top-left corner.
Scroll down and select Settings.
Tap on the server name
Select the Server you want to edit, then edit the IP address under Hostname and tap Save to confirm the new details.
After editing, ensure the Tick Box is selected on the Server you want to connect to. You can also Add Server if needed.
After saving, Stockyard Mobile will automatically attempt to reconnect. Check the status in the bottom-left corner of the app:
Disconnected: Connection has failed.
Connected: Connection is successful.
Important: If you’re unable to reconnect, double-check the Wi-Fi network and IP address or contact Outcross Systems for further support.