Setting up Society Details

Setting up Society Details

One of the benefits of Stockbook is that you are able to register seed stock animals with breed societies. This Knowledge Base helps you through the process of setting up Stockbook to ensure that you are able to meet the respective cattle society requirements.

Step 1. Go to Setup then click on Society Details

Step 2.  Select a Society

If you have purchased the stud version of Stockbook, you will need to fill in your society details. If the correct society is not already showing, click on the dropdown list next to Choose a Society and select the required society, e.g.: Angus Aust.
After you have selected the society from the dropdown list, the Society Name will then appear.

Step 3. Add the Society Email Address

Add in the Society Email address. This will be used for any communication with the society in terms of electronic movement of registration details.

Step 4.  Add the Herd Ident.  

These characters are allocated to you by your society, e.g. AAA and are used as the first part of the Primary ID of any new animal that you enter into your system. Options with Herd Ident.  include:

  1. Auto calculate Society Ids = selecting this will cause these characters to automatically display in the primary Id. for new animals
  2. If appropriate tick the box next Tick this box if the birth year is based on the financial year, i.e., the new year begins 01/07.
  3. It may be that you're on-farm primary Id for each animal is not the same as that allocated by your society. If this is the case, turn off this option by ticking the box that says Tick this box if you use Society Ids. as your on-farm tags.  You will then need to enter a society Id for each new animal entered. If you don’t do this, the sire and dam identifications will be unknown when you create progeny registrations to send to your society.
  4. If you wish to remove the zeros from the front of the Primary Id that was entered on the current animal list, tick the box titled Remove leading zeros when calculating animal name, tattoo and Society Id.  Sometimes it is useful to see all the animals in tag order. To do this, filler zeros must be added at the front of lower number animals (eg 001, 002). The society however will more than likely not be able to use that system and the zeros must be removed before sending data.

If you want to include one or more spaces at the end of your chosen characters the last space should be replaced by a ?? (E.g AA? will represent the identification AA 123).

Step 5. If relevant include a Membership Number

This will allow correspondence between Breedplan and your society via this number; otherwise the  Herd Ident.  will be used 

Step 6. Add appropriate Animal Name Prefix if allocated by your breed society

These are normally used as the first part of the name of any new animal that you enter into your system, e.g. GLEN FORRES

Step 7. Select a Breed  For Example: Angus

Step 8. Click OK to save changes

You will then be asked if you want to change details for another society
If so, click  Yes  and choose another Society
If not, click  No

Article ID 899

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