Saleyard Statistics Report
For the selected date range and species, the following sections are contained in the report:
Throughput by Stocktype
- Value by Stocktype
- Statistics by Stocktype broken up by per head
- Statistics by Stocktype broken up by per Kg
- YTD Statistics by Stocktype broken up by per head
- YTD Statistics by Stocktype broken up by per Kg
- Vendor origin by LGA
- Buyer Origin by LGA
- Top 10 Buyers
How to run the Saleyard Statistics Report
- Login to Stockyard
- Click on "Livestock".
- Go to "Reports" and select "Saleyard Statistics"

- Change the "Date" and "Species" settings to match your requirements

- Click "Generate Report" to display the report on the screen. (Note, this may take a while to run with large date ranges)
- Once generated, the report can be printed, or saved as a PDF using the toolbar options

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