Sale Weight Entry

Sale Weight Entry

Step 1. Select the animals

  • First select the animals that have been sold and you wish to enter a sale weight for.
  • Then select  Events > Sale/Death/Disposal > OK.

Step 2.  A date must be entered to continue

  1. The other fields are optional.
  2. Make sure that the Cents/Kg circle is selected.
  3. Then select OK.


Step 3.  There are two ways to enter a weight

  1. Option 1 : The weight can be entered individually by selecting beside the individual animal.
  2. Option 2 : An average weight can be entered for the selected animals by entering an average weight in the box beside Average Weight. 
    1. The Obs. Code box must be set to the correct code which is SW(Sale Weight).                  
    2. The Average c/kg should also be entered
    3. Then select OK.

Article ID 1091

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