Removing a Transaction from a Bank Run
If you find that the amount on the bank statement does not match the journal in the bank statement window, follow these steps below.
This process can only be done if you have not reconciled the bank statement.
Step 1. Identify the Transaction in the Ledger
- Go to the client's ledger account and find the open journa.l (dark yellow).
- Right-click on it to "Show Journal Batch".
Step 2. Identify the Deposit Run details.
Verify the date and time of the Deposit Run by looking at the top of the journal batch.
Step 3. Open the correct bank run batch.
Go to the Bank Runs window and find the journal batch using the above information.
Step 4. Remove the transaction from Banking.
Right-click on the relevant transaction and choose "Remove from Banking".
The yellow line will change to grey.
Step 5. Close the journal batch.
Step 6. Reconcile the reversed journals in Bank Reconciliation.
- Identify the debit and credit for the same amount on the right-hand side of the window in the Journal section.
- Click on them and ensure the amounts cancel each other out and come back to zero.
- Click on Save.
Step 7. Close the Bank Reconciliation window.
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