QuickScan Datalogic Configure
Data logic's Quick Scan Bar Code Reader
The Bar Code Reader (QD2430) is connected in Live Entry however it is bringing through the number of the code rather than the field that it is assigned to (i.e. horned, sex, DOB).
Note: The device will be configured as a Keyboard Wedge if it isn't reading the correct fields.
Steps to rectify this are as follows:
On pages 5-6 of this Quick Reference Guide there is a section called 'Configuring the Interface'. To configure the scanner correctly, scan the USB Com to stimulate RS-232 standard interface (see below) located on the top of page 6.
To test that it has worked, go to setup devices in Stockbook Click here for setting up devices, click on Test, scan a barcode and the code should appear in the test screen.
Port Connectivity
If you are using a laptop with Live Entry, use the USB connector
If you are using a TSi with Live Entry, use the serial connector. The ports for a TSi should be 1 or 2. 1 is the port closest to the power supply (outside port) and 2 is the port closest to the load bar supply (inside port)
How do I remove a cable? If you need to change between the two connectors, use a pin or a paperclip and enter it into the hole that is located towards the bottom inside of the scanner handle. This will enable you to remove each connector and insert another
Drivers (for support only)
If the scanner won't connect sometimes the drivers need to be loaded onto the computer
When in Windows Device Manager, the device will have a little yellow triangle on it's icon - this means the drivers are not present
You may be able to right click on the device and an option saying update drivers. If this is not an option use
download a zip file with the drivers.
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