Once the all the payments have been loaded and you are on the Banking Payments screen.
Step 1 - Click on Balance to start processing the .aba file.
You will be asked to confirm the EFT Application/Processing Date. This is the date that the payment will leave your bank account.
Step 2 - Set the EFT Processing Date
If the date is in the future for the actual transaction, this will be reflected in the dissection.
It is possible to have multiple payments made on different dates, just ensure that the EFT processing date is early enough to capture these dates.
You cannot backdate EFT payments - the earliest is the current date.
Step 3. Verify your transactions have the correct details
If you need to update a eg transaction date/amount, click Cancel on the EFT window.
Right-click on the dissection in the run control window and edit the eg date or details.
Step 4 - Click on Process to generate the .aba file
Step 5 - Click on OK
Once you are ready to create the aba file and have confirmed all the displayed details are correct (date, amounts etc), click on OK.
The aba file will be automatically generated and saved in the your Bank Files folder (normally found on the desktop).
Step 6 - Upload the .aba file to your internet banking.
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