Importing from HR5 reader

Importing from HR5 reader

Stockbook can import details from a file that has been created from a data collector, such as the Gallagher HR5 Hand Held EID Tag Reader & Data Collector.


Step 1. Connect your HR5 reader to Stockbook.

Click on the following link for step-by-step instructions on How to connect your Gallagher HR5 Reader

Step 2. Details From Data File 

  1. Click on File 
  2. Import Options 
  3. Details From Data File menu option
Make sure the HR5 is on the Main Menu screen.

Step 3. Refer to Step 1

In Step 1. Select the file to import
Click on Import from Reader/Scale button


Step 4. Select import from Sessions List

  • Select the session you wish to import from the Sessions list
  • Click the Refresh button to show Data in selected session

Step 5. Import the Data 

Once the selected animals from the session appear in the list, click on Import this Data button, to bring the information into the import screen


Step 6. Select the Type/ Format/ Layout 

In Step 2. Select the type/format/layout of this file
  • This file is a should automatically default to . (Select from drop-down list if it is not selected.)  
  • Most file will be of standard format and so this will default to this option, (Standard format simply means that the file is comma separated and the Header row is on the first line of the file.)

Step 7. Set the Import Option 

In Step 3. Set your Import Options
Here you need to add information that will be relevant for every field imported, for example if the file you are importing contains weight or trait data, it is recommended that you set a default Obs. Code (this represents a stage of growth of the animal/s, e.g. birth, weaning), so that all records will have the same codes unless otherwise specified.
Each of the tabs (eg. General, Life Data, Induction, EBV, etc.) will have information pertaining to the heading of the tab.
As a part of Step 3 on the import you will have to set your import options; to do this you will have to go through the tab headings that are relevant for the file you are bringing in.

For example:
  1. The General tab gives you the ability to set a default Obs. Date, Obs. Code and Performance Management Group (Default Perf.Mgt.Grp) that will apply to every animal in the file.
If in your .csv file you have a column for date or observation code, and you link them in Step 4. Match the Fields, then it is not necessary to use the default option.
  1.  Enter the Default Obs. Date 

This tab is also used to set the Date Format and Add New Tags for new animals being imported onto a user list.
It is recommended that if you are importing weight or trait data that you include an observation code (Obs.Code) so that all records will have the same codes unless otherwise specified.
If the Add New Tags box is not ticked and the animal being imported is not on file, then an error will be generated and the new tags will not be added to your Stockbook.
You can also add the Tag Prefix, if the data file you are bringing in doesn't have the correct prefix.

In Step 4. Match the fields

  • You will then need to match up the appropriate fields so that you can bring in the information for the animals into Stockbook
  • This section allows you to customise how your data is imported
  • Here you need to select the Data Type then the Stockbook Field for the fields that you want to import
You do not have to import all the fields contained in the Source Name column or CSV File Heading.
For more information on Data Types please use the following link Data Types/Stockbook Field for Import (Details from a Data File)

Step A. 

  1. Choose which CSV File Heading you want to import. (Either Primary ID/Visual ID or EID must be selected to enable data to be matched to the correct animal.)
  2. Click on the drop down arrow in the Data Type column against the CSV File Heading

Step B.

Select the Data Type from the drop down list. This example shows Primary ID being linked to Life Data.

Step C.

  1. Click on the drop down arrow in Stockbook Field in the same row
  2. Select the Stockbook Field from the drop down list. This example shows EID being linked to EID
If the Stockbook Field does not show the correct link, you may have selected the incorrect Data Type


Step D.

Repeat Steps AB and  for each CSV File Heading that you wish to import

Step E.

  1. Click on the Save this Layout button
  2. This will save all the linked fields for the next time you import data
  3. Once the layout has been saved, the layout will be found under Step 2. Select the type/format/layout of this file
  • Enter the template name
  • Click on the OK button. or
  • Click on the Cancel button to close the screen

Article ID 1451
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