Importing Carcase Data

Importing Carcase Data

Stockbook provides an option that allows you to import carcass feedback data from Abattoirs. If the meat-works can supply you with a carcase feedback file in CSV format, you are able to import this information directly into Stockbook, which saves you time from having to enter the data manually. 
Always create a copy of a .csv file before you open it to avoid loss of data
To be able to import the carcase data, the animals must first be Inactivein Stockbook (Sales/Deaths/Disposals)

Step 1. Select Details from Data File Menu option

Select the File > Import Options > Details From Data File menu option

Step 2. Find CSV File

  1. In Step 1. Select the file to import Click on the yellow file symbol.
  2. Select the CSV file that contains the carcase information.
  3. Click on the Open button.

Step 3. Select Standard CSV File

  1. In Step 2. Select the type/format/layout of this file then Click on <Standard CSV file>.

Step 4. Complete required fields

  1. In Step 3. Set your import options click on the General tab.
  2. Enter the Default Obs. Date, i.e. an observation date (in general, the kill date). This can be any date that you choose; the date the data was collected is commonly used.
  3. In Save to User List select from the drop down list or add a new list by clicking on the + button.
  4. Select the correct Date Format.

You can’t have the file open in Excel or Notepad when you scan the file or it will produce an error message “I/O Error 103” If this occurs then close Excel and reopen it.

Step 5. Select the Carcase Tab and complete required fields

  1. In Step 3. Set your import options Click on the Carcase tab.
  2. Enter the Abattoir from the drop down list or click on the + button to add a new Abattoir.
  3. Select from the following options:
    1. Elect. Stim
    2. Fat Trim
    3. Rib Site
    4. Prices
    5. Assessor
    6. Marble Score Method
    7. Dentition Category
    8. Clear any existing price data when importing

Step 6. Matching the Fields

  1. In Step 4. Match the fields.
  2. Select the Data Type to match the CSV File Heading.
  3. Select the Stockbook Field to match the Data Type.
  4. Repeat 2 & 3 for all the required fields

You must link either the ID or EID field to the animal ( Life Data>Id or EID ) to assign the Carcase data to the correct animal.

Step 7. Save the layout

  1. Click on the Save This Layout button.
  2. Enter the template name.
  3. Click on the OK button.

  4. This will save all the linked fields for the next time you import your data.

Step 8. Import the Data 

  1. Click on the OK button to import the data.
  2. Click on the Yes button to empty the selected user list before adding new animals.
  3. This ensures that animals on the user list are only the ones being imported.

Step 9. Errors Detected Message

If there are any animals that are not sold, an Errors Detected message will show.
Any animals with an error will show the Animal Visual ID and the reason they were detected, i.e. not dead or sold.
Step 10. Correcting the Animals with the Errors
To correct the animals with errors you will need to close the error report and:
  1. Click the OK button on Import Complete.

  2. Click Cancel/Exit on the import screen.

  3. Go to the main Animals screen.

  4. Go to the Yard Sheet/User List Filter in the top left-hand corner.

  5. The animals that aren't sold will be listed.
  6. You now need to do a sale event and sell them.
  7. After they are sold you can re-import the carcase data file.

Article ID 736

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