How to Update Stockbook with the latest ASBVs

How to Update Stockbook with the latest ASBVs


The latest ASBVs were introduced into Stockbook in version 2021.2.12 Build 35. Ensure that you have at least this (or later) version installed. You can check by going to the "Help" menu and clicking "About".

Take note of current settings (Optional)

Some users of Stockbook may have specific Breeding values selected for display, as well as high and low values, and colours selected. These preferences will be wiped during the update process to accommodate the new breeding values. Follow the steps below in order to save these preferences:

1. Take a backup of Stockbook
2. Go to "Setup>Performance" and select "Trait Analysis System"
3. Take note of selected breeding values, high and low values, and high and low colours.
4. Take screenshots using your favourite capture tool or take a photo on your phone or simply make a note of your preferences

Update Stockbook with the latest ASBVs

1. Take a backup of Stockbook
2. Go to "Setup>Performance" and select "Trait Analysis System"
3. Click "Initialise"

4. You will be prompted with a confirmation. Click 'Yes' twice.
5. Then select "Set Standard Lambplan"

6. You will be prompted with a confirmation. Click 'Yes'.
7. This will set all of the new breeding values.
8. You will then be prompted to tick the checkbox in the 'Use' column for at least 1 ASBV and 1 Index (You may select up to 19 ASBVs)

9. Specify any description, or high and low value/colour preferences as needed, including any new ones that are now available.
10. Click the '✅ Close' button to save your changes.

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