There are instances where Stockbook requires a ‘tidy up’ and users need to be able to identify the cattle that are still marked as Active in Stockbook, but are no longer on property. The following steps will walk you through the process involved in cleaning up the records in Stockbook.
Before you begin, you need to have a list of all the stock on your property (or properties). This can be compiled by scanning all of your tags as you handle your cattle (e.g. during pregnancy testing or calf marking). The aim is to have a collection of files from your reader that has all your existing tags on it. Once you have a full list of your livestock, you can then audit Stockbook and identify the animals that need to be disposed of in Stockbook.
Step 1. User Lists
Click on the
To Add a New User List :
Step 3. Importing Current Tags
Step 4. Select All Animals
you have finished importing the tag list
Step 5. Missing Animals Report
will bring up the Missing Animals Report screen
You will then be able to view the user list that has the missing animals in it.
Please ensure that
you have also done an
audit of your Stockbook if you are
concerned about your stock numbers
For NLIS audit instruction click the following link: Reconcile EID's entered in Stockbook with NLIS Database
Article ID 998