Adding a feedlot and assigning animals to the feedlot:
When setting up Stockbook for a feedlot situation, a contact must be added
- Click on the Contacts toolbar option
Step 2. Add a Feedlot
- Click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen to add a new Feedlot
Step 3. Add a Surname
It is important to have the Surname filled in as this is what it will be displayed as
Once you have entered all required details, click OK to save
Step 4. Selecting Animals to add to Feedlot
Select all the new animals that you wish to move into the feedlot
Click on the Animals toolbar button (or click on the Animals > Current menu option)
This will default to a list of all the active, current animals in your database
A dark green background means you have selected the animal
To select animals in a continuous group, start by clicking on the first animal in the group, hold down the Shift key and then click on the last animal in the group
Individual animals may be selected or deselected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the animal
To select one animal, just click on it
Once all animals are highlighted, click on the Events button at the bottom of the screen.
The animals should not already have a paddock assigned to them.
Step 5. Select a Paddock or Feedlot
Select Paddock/Custom Feedlot
Click on the OK button to continue
Step 6. In the Move to a Paddock Window
Enter the following:
Date - Date of movement in DD/MM/YYYY format, or pick a date from the Calendar
Paddock - if you are actually transferring the animals to a custom feedlot, but have not sold them, setup a paddock for each feedlot that you use
Click on the + button next to Property
Enter details of the new paddock:
Name - name of feedlot
Property - click on the + button to add a Feedlot as a Property
Add Properties:
Name - enter the name of the feedlot
PIC - enter the feedlot PIC. (A feedlot is a registered business covered by a single Property Identification Code (PIC) under State and Territory legislation.)
Click OK to return to the Add Paddocks window
Select that property
Click on the OK button
Paddock - Select that Paddock e.g. ABC Feedlot
Reason 1 - select reason from the drop-down list or create a reason by clicking on the + button. e.g. Feedlot Entry
Reason 2 - optional
Comment - optional
Tick the Custom Feedlot check box
Enter the Estimated Entry Value c/kg e.g. 360
Select Feedlot from the drop-down list
Click OK to continue
Step 7. Click Yes to the following Confirm message
Click OK to Information message: ' Event completed.'
The animals have now been updated
Click Yes to the following Confirm message, which will take you to the NLIS Functions page
Step 8. Fill in the transfer details
Click on the Animals Selection button if no animals are selected
Click on the Upload button to send these details to the NLIS Database
Once data has been entered Pen Summaries and Feedlot Performance Reports can be utilised.
Article ID 863
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