How do I record joinings?
Recording Joinings: For single sire bulk joining i.e. One bull for a group of Cows:
An event is one of several predefined activities that may be performed on a single animal or group of animals e.g. joining.
The list of possible events may be seen by selecting an animal on the listing of current animals and clicking on the "Events" button.
Step 1: Select the cows that you want to join from the current animal listing.
Selecting a group of animals:
A dark green background means that you have selected the animal/s.
You may select animals in a continuous group by clicking on the first animal in the group, holding down the Shift key and then click on the last animal in the group.All animals between and including those two animals will be selected.
Individual animals may be selected or deselected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the animal. This is used if animals you wish to select that do not fall in contiguous order
By clicking on the Filter button you can also select animals. Animals may be chosen by specifying any combination of criteria (e.g. pedigree, mob, group, paddock, property etc.). The more selection criteria, the tighter the selection.
Step 3: Click on Joinings [Bulk] to select.
Click OK button
Step 4: Select the Joinings (bulk) event from the event list.
In the Joining Event window, you may enter the following details:
Select Type of mating:
Natural (or paddock mating):
In this case your need to select Bull In (i.e. sire entering the paddock)
Date (of event) in dd/mm/yyy format, or pick a date from the calendar
Select the Sire from drop-down list
Enter a Ref. - reference number
Enter a Mgt. Grp. - Management Group. (i.e. a group of animals run under the same environmental conditions.)
Enter a Herd identifier
Enter a Comment
Click on Select AI Type button, to select the type of AI procedure
Select Practitioner from the drop-down contacts list or click on plus [+] button to add a new practitioner
Date (of event) in dd/mm/yyy format, or pick a date from the calendar
Select the Sire from the drop-down list
Select the Batch No. already on file for the entered sire
Enter a Ref. - reference number
Enter Total No. of Straws Used. This is for ALL Females joined, not each one. This number will be checked against the semen inventory for the nominated sire. If there are insufficient straws remaining, you will be notified and given the option to alter the number used. If you proceed with the joining, remaining stocks on the inventory will be reduced by the number used (or to zero if insufficient were available)
Enter a Mgt. Grp. - Management Group. (i.e. a group of animals run under the same environmental conditions.)
Enter a Herd identifier
Enter the total Labour Costs $ for the joining procedure
Enter a Comment
Semen inventory can be added to Stockbook via the Utility > Semen Inventory menu option.
Hand Mate:
Select Practitioner from the drop-down contacts list or click on plus [+] button to add a new practitioner
Enter same information as natural mating
Hand Mate is a procedure used for joining pedigree horses
Planned Joining Only:
At any time, if you would like the animals status not to change, as these joinings are a planned event, you must ensure that you have ticked the Planned Joining Only box.
Step 5: Complete the process.
Click on OK to complete the procedure or click on Cancel/Exit to abort the event.
This will set the status of all selected females to:
Joined - if currently not PTIC or suckling her young.
Wet/Joined - if currently "Wet"
For an Embryo Implant, a 'date due' will be calculated for each Female implanted, based on date of implantation + average gestation period defined - 7 days (age of embryo).
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