Export calf registrations to a breed society

Export calf registrations to a breed society

Step 1. Search for Applicable Animals

Search and select the animals you wish to register

Step 2. Select Export Criteria

Select File > Export Options > Calf Registrations

Step 3. Set Society requirements

You can now set any of the following fields as required by your society. Each field has a dropdown menu that appears when you click on it: Dam, Fate, Calf Fate and Register

Step 4. Add dams if necessary

If there are any females that have not calved but whose society status or calf fate status you want to send to the society:

Select Add Dams > Select the required dams from the list > Select Ok

Step 5. Remove unwanted dams

If there are Dams you wish to remove from the list to be exported:

  • Click on the Dam in the list to highlight
  • Click on the Remove Dam button
  • Click on the Yes button

Step 6. Finalise Selection

When the animal selection has been finalised for export > Select Export

Select the file export location > select the start of current joining session or leave blank > select Ok

Step 7. Confirm message for Start of current joining season

If you haven't entered a date for the start of current joining season, you will be asked if you want to omit the current joinings from the export.

  • If you want to enter a date, click on the No button and you will be returned to Step 8
  • If you want to proceed without entering a Start of the current joining date > Select Yes > Ok > Make your way through the prompts

Step 8. Report will now be generated

The following report will be generated, which is only for your records (not to be sent to the society).

Step 9.  Sending the export file

Your calf registrations are now ready to be sent to the society from the location in which the file was saved in Step 7.

Attach your saved export in an email to your society.

Do not open the Regos.dat file. Opening the file may alter the data.


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