Export a CSV File

Export a CSV File

Export a CSV File

Stockbook provides a method of creating a master .CSV (comma-separated variable) file, containing selected information, for transfer to other equipment or loading into other software.

Exporting a Master CSV File

There is an option to export selected animals or all active animals on the database.

For exporting selected animals, highlight the animals to be exported before going on to the following steps.

Select File > Export Options > Master CSV File

Under Possible fields select the fields you wish to export.
By clicking the + button all the available fields under each heading will become available for selection.
Either tick or untick the selections to be included or exclude from the export.

Under Number of most recent records there is an option to type how many of the most recent recordings of each item you require.

In the Animals to Export Box choose either:-
All active Animals or
Selected animals (the animals you have already selected in the current animal list)
Select Export Master 
Save the csv file to your computer.


  1. If electronic ID's are being exported, choose the EID export format. All EIDs are held in Stockbook as 3 digits, a space, 12 digits.
  2. If you choose the 'replace blank' option, you will be asked to indicate which character you want to use instead

Data sections that require clarification:

  1. EBV's: You can specify which type of EBV is required. Only those traits that you have marked as in-use in the Setup/Performance/Traits Analysis System will be displayed as options for export. Accuracies are not included in the export.
  2. Treatments: Only the most recent treatment for each required animal can be exported.
  3. Traits: Only the traits that you have marked as active (Setup/Performance/Traits) will be displayed as options for export.
  4. Draft: If this section is ticked, any of the required animals that are in a user list that contains the word DRAFT followed by just a number e.g. MY DRAFT 1 will have the number exported as the draft.

This means that you can use all the power of Stockbook (for example the very sophisticated drafting options in the laptop screen) to create simple user lists for drafting.

Explanation of buttons

  1. Close - Close the window.
  2. Save - Remember the current settings.
  3. Export Master  will Create a CSV file (a Save As screen appear allowing the file to be named and saved file to the chosen location), containing all the selected data for the specified animals.
  4. Export Lookups - a CSV file can be created for each product, breed and observation code (stage) lists. This makes it simple for them to be imported into other equipment. These files will be created in a special folder (you will be notified what it is) and will be named products.csv, breeds.csv and stages.csv respectively.
  5. Reset EBV's - If you have changed the names or usage of any of the EBVs, you will need to click on this button to see the new settings.
  6. Reset Traits - If you have changed the names or usage of any of the traits, you will need to click on this button to see the new settings.
  7. Transfer to Handheld Device - If you own a handheld device with supporting software to transfer data in the csv file into that device, you can load that software from within Stockbook. You will need to provide the full path to that software i.e. the folder containing the software and the name of the software. You can either type in the path and name or click on the ellipsis button to locate the program on your computer.

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