Edit/View animal details in Stockbook Live Entry

Edit/View animal details in Stockbook Live Entry

In the Live Entry (Stockbook Live!) window:
  • Make sure you have selected the animal you wish to edit


  • Click on the Stockbook Edit button at the bottom of the window


  • This will take you to the Edit Animal window for the animal selected e.g. 004
  • This screen allows you to view existing details for an animal in full, and to make changes to those details if necessary
  • The blue tabs at the bottom of the Edit Animal screen, give additional information about the selected animal.
  • The tabs displayed vary depending on the livestock type you are currently working with and the options you have set up for that type e.g. fibre or meat etc.
  • Click OK to save.
  • This will return you to Live Entry (Stockbook Live!) window.

Article ID 1886

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