Downloading and/or Registering Stockbook for the First Time
Downloading and Installing Stockbook for the First Time/New Computer
Part A: Downloading for the first time (Demonstration or New Computer)
IMPORTANT - Please close any Outcross Systems software that you may have open. If Stockbook software is left open when trying to download/upgrade the process will NOT work. Step 1. Go to Outcross Systems website via your web browser
Step 2. Hover mouse over Client Support
Step 3. Enter in the information for the following
This information will be in your Welcome Email (not your online payment advice)
Step 4. Click on the blue link or Download Now
Double click to download the file. It will appear at the bottom left hand side of the screen or top right.
Alternatively check your downloads folder in File Explorer.
Double click to start the installation
Step 5. Installing the software:
If the prompt does not appear automatically, go to your internet downloads page and double click on the software download to continue the upgrade process.
Part B: Register your program
You don't need an unlock code if you are already a client.
If you have skipped this window by clicking on Go to Demo, you will need to register your program using the below steps.
You CANNOT register your program if you are in Demonstration. Click on File > Other Databases > Default Database menu option.
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