Display DNA Results like Defects or any Custom Data on Animal List and in Animal Details

Display DNA Results like Defects or any Custom Data on Animal List and in Animal Details

Be careful when changing or using these fields .  Ensure you do not already have data stored in the field.  Renaming the field may cause confusion if there is already some data in it.
We also suggest leaving the NLIS/NAIT field exactly as it is because it is in fact an important field.


It may be necessary in some situations to display DNA results for defects or even other imported field values on the Animal list screen as well as in the animal list view.  This is more than possible and Stockbook has 4 customizable user fields you can put data in.  The user fields below are fully manipulable for any requirements you may have.

If you are not utilising any of the fields highlighted above then you are able to change the name of that User Field and utilise it for other things like "Defects" from DNA results.


Below is where you can change the name of the user field.
  2. Change the name of your chosen field and click OK.

Here is an example of how it could look.

Make sure that the Field you choose to change is selected to show on the display on the Animals list screen.

You are now able to go ahead and import the coding of your choice into that field. 
The image below is of how the Data Type and Stockbook Field should look at import stage.

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