Data Transfer

Data Transfer

Herd Transfer

Section 1 - Transferring Animals Out of a Stockbook Database

Step 1. Select Animals to be Transferred

  1. Select the Animals you wish to transfer
  2. Click on Events at the bottom of the screen


  1. Find Disposal
  2. Select 2). Sale/Death/Disposal 
  3. Confirm selection by clicking on OK 

Step 2. Confirm Disposal Event

  1. Select Reason (**See Info below)
  2. Select Type - Death/Disposal/Transfer 
  3. Check and click OK
Press "+" if you haven't already got a reason in the dropdown list.

Step 3. Confirm Disposal Recording

  1. Click Yes to confirm the disposal 

Another box will appear saying the Event is Completed click OK

Step 4. Include Inactive Animals

  1. Check the box at the bottom of the screen to Include Inactive animals 
  1. Select the animals you just made Inactive 

Step 5. Backup for the Transfer

  1. Go to File
  2. Data Transfer 
  3. Backup Selected Animals and History

Step 6. Choose Data to be Transferred

  1. Tick the boxes indicating the data that you require to be transferred 
It is not recommended to transfer Pedigree Animals. 
It will transfer excessive data. Only transfer if required.

Step 7. Complete the Backup

  1. Take note of the location against 'Backup Name' It will be needed to retrieve the backup to send to the recipient of the transferred animals C:\Users\Office\Documents\Stockbook\ 
  2. Click OK  to confirm

  1. A 'Backup Complete' window will pop up  
  2. Click OK to close the window

You have now completed the first section of the process on how to transfer animals from one Stockbook Database to another.

Section 2 - Transferring Animals Into a Stockbook Database

Step 1. Restore Animals and History

  1. Select File
  2. Select Data Transfer
  3. Click on Restore Animals and History

Step 2. Restore Backup from another Database

  1. Check the correct Backup File has been selected
  2. Click OK
  3. Confirm you are happy to proceed with restoring animal and history details from another database

Step 3. Temporary Restore

  1. Click OK on the pop up information box asking you to continue with the restore 

Step 4. Assign Available Animals

  1. You will need to allocate the relevant mob, group, paddock, and vendor if applicable.
  2. To maintain the mobs and groups the animals were allocated to in the previous database, simply tick 'Preserve incoming mob' and/or 'Preserve incoming group'.
  3. If you wish to omit any animals from being transferred from the file simply tick the 'Omit' box next to the relevant animal 
  4. Click on OK to confirm selection

Step 5.
 Confirm Restoration

  1. Click YES to any information alerts that pop up 
  2. Select OK to Restore Complete window 

Step 6. Refresh to View

  1. Click the refresh button in Stockbook
  2. Animals on the transfer file will be available for viewing in the animals screen
  3. Transfer is complete

Article ID 2126

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