1. Expand/Collapse items : allows you to expand and collapse branches within the lists. There are two sets of these buttons - one for each list.
2. Add / Remove item : These buttons add a selected item in the Available Options list into the Selected Options list and vice versa. Note that double clicking on an item will also add/remove it depending on which list it is currently in.
3. Reorder items : these buttons move an item up or own in the list. The order they appear in the list is the order they will appear in in the data entry panel within Live Entry.
4. Tally this item : if this is ticked then this item will be tallied in the Tally window within Live Entry. Note that the tally is only really effective for items that have discrete values (like the example above, it will give you a count of all the Yes's and No's). It wouldn't work very well on weight because every weight value is different.
5. Allow the value to be blank when saved: normally you will get a warning message if a field is left blank when you save an animal within Live Entry. However if there is an item that you may not want to assign to all animals you can tick this to allow you to leave it blank when you hit the Save within Live Entry (without getting an error).
6. On next animal ... set value to Live Entry default: this field will behave as it always has within Live Entry (depending on the field type, some fields retain their value, some clear, etc).
7. On next animal ... clear value: the field will be cleared when the next animal is selected.
8. On next animal ... keep current value: the field value will remain as set for the previous animal when the next animal is selected.
9. On next animal ... set value to: this allows you enter the value you want the field set to when the next animal is selected. Enter the value into the text box provided.
10. Disable field on next animal: in addition to the other settings above you can also default this field to be disabled when the next animal is selected. This is useful for fields that may only be used for few animals e.g. a pink eye treatment.
11. Restrict selectable values to ... : this text box allows you to restrict the values that can be entered for a field. This field will present as a drop down box with just those values in it. This is useful for when you only want certain values to be used - like in the example above this will restrict the possible values to "YES" or "NO", no other values can be entered.