Creating a Multiple Sire Group

Creating a Multiple Sire Group

When you are joining a group of sires to a mob of females, it is possible to set up a 'Multiple Sire Group' so that you have a record of which sires were used for that joining.
Multiple Sire Groups allow you to represent a group of sires by one 'animal' in Stockbook. This allows a multiple-joining situation for a group of dams by just quoting the 'multiple sire' as the sire.

Step 1.  Click on  Setup  >  Multiple Sire Groups  menu option

  • A list containing each currently defined active multiple sire group will be displayed

Step 2.  Click on  Add  button


Step 3. Complete the following: 

  1. Create an  Identification  for the group. (This is how you refer to this group of animals. It is the information that uniquely identifies this animal group in the system. Similar to an ear tag) eg. 15W/HFRS
  2. Enter a  Description  for the group. (A short summary describing the purpose of using the Multiple Sire Group) eg. 2015 Wagyu Heifer Joining.
  3. Tick 
     if all the sires are exactly the same breed. If a group is marked as Pure, then as males are moved into and out of the list of "sires in group", the breed of the last male in the list is displayed as the breed of the group

    If you don't tick Pure, don't enter any information in the Breed and Breed % boxes.  This is left blank as the resulting offspring will be either for example Angus or Brahman, not a crossbred animal. 


Step  4.  Select the sires from the Available Sires list

  1. To  add a new sire to the group , from the 'Available Sires' list, either double click on the sire you wish to form part of the group  or click on the sire to highlight and then click on the left-pointing hand. Repeat this process until you have all the Sires for your Multiple Sire Group listed in the Sires in Group box

  2. To  remove a sire from the group , from the Sires in Group list, either double click on the sire or click on the sire to highlight and then click on the right-pointing hand
Only 'live' sires will show in the Available Sires List. If your sires are listed as semen or pedigree only, they will not be available to add in to a multiple sire group.
  • Enter an Alternate Id.  (optional)
  • Click  OK  button to accept the data and prepare for a new entry, or click on  Cancel/Exit to close the screen without any changes to the database

  • Click  Yes  to Confirm message: ' You have specified that this group of sires has the same breeding. This breeding is WY (100%) Proceed?' (You will receive this message if you haven't ticked Pure )
  • Click on  Cancel/Exit  button to close window

Article ID 871

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