Importing a CSV File Importing CSV files allows the user to bring animals and associated data into Stockbook. Before you begin Always take a backup of your Stockbook data before importing CSV files. CSV files can corrupt so it is advisable to create ...
Importing a Weights Data CSV file into Stockbook Until you are confident in importing the values please make sure to take a Backup before importing the data. If you have the CSV file open, please close it. Stockbook will not import data from a CSV ...
Data Level Errors This error will be caused by trying to restore a backup that is from a newer version into an older version of the software. To solve this upgrade to the most recent version of the program. Step 1. Checking for Updates To Check for ...
Preferences: Error 5035. The requested lock could not be granted. The file or record may be locked by another user. Close out of Stockbook, you will have to use Task Manager Reopen program and Stockbook should operate as normal. Article ID 1022
Exporting Contacts to CSV File Exporting my Contacts list in Stockbook, to a CSV (comma-separated-variable) file, for use in a mail-merge or spreadsheet. Step 1. Contact Click on the Contacts toolbar icon Step 2. Select Contacts Select all Contacts ...