Change Sale Details

Change Sale Details

Changing the sale details of stock already entered as a Disposal (2). Sale/Death/Disposal) Event:
You cannot edit a sale that has already been entered. Undo the sale and re-enter it.

Step 1: Click on the Animals toolbar icon.

Step 2: Tick on the Include Inactive check box.

Step 3: Click on the Filter button to search for the animals sold, if you have a large number of inactive animals listed.

e.g. enter in the Primary Ids from WS40 to WS50.
Click to find the steps on Select Animals on the Main Animal Screen the animals.  
A dark green background means that you have selected the animal/s.

Step 4: Click on the Events button

Step 5: Click on Sale/Death/Disposal option in the Events window.

Step 6: Click on Undo button.

Step 7: Click Yes to Confirm message: 'Are you sure you want to reverse disposal for selected animals?'

Click Yes to the following Confirm message:

Step 8: Click OK to Information message: 'Undo operation completed.'

Click on the Cancel/Exit button.

You can now redo your sale event.

Article ID 1699

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