Calculating purchase weight
Calculating Purchase Weight
Assumes you have already entered your purchased stock into Stockbook system , entered with their purchase date
Assumes you have weighed the stock you have purchased when they are delivered (or soon after) on farm , via live entry .
This is called the induction weight. It is the first weight collected when an animal enters your property.
There are 3 ways to enter the induction weights into Stockbook:
Automatically entered via Live Entry
Entered manually, or,
Option 1. Entering Purchase Weights Manually:
Click on the Animals icon on toolbar
A dark green background means that you have selected the animal/s. You may select animals in a contiguous group by clicking on the first animal in the group, holding down the Shift key and then clicking on the last animal in the group. Animals are selected for use in events, treatments and any other instance where an operation can be done on more than one animal
Enter in the induction weights for each animal purchased
Enter Weighing Date
Enter an Obs. Code , or add using the + button
Click on the OK button
Option 2: Calculating Purchase Weights:
Step 1. From the main animals screen, select the animals you have purchased
A dark green background means that you have selected the animal.
You may select animals in a contiguous group by clicking on the first animal in the group, holding down the Shift key and then clicking on the last animal in the group.
You can also select animals once you are in the 'Purchase Weight Utility' window, by clicking on the Animals Selection button.
Step 2. Go to the Utility > Calculate Purchase Weights menu option
Enter the Induction Weights Obs. Code. eg. IND
Fields highlighted in aqua are automatically generated
Enter in the Total Purchase Weight (in kg). (see agent Tax Invoice.)
Enter the Purchase Weights Obs. Code e.g. PW
Enter the Purchase Date (see agent Tax Invoice.)
Click on the Calculate button
Step 3. Set purchase price:
Return to the main Animals screen
Select the animals you have purchased, if they have become de-selected
Click on the Utility > Bulk Change > Basic Animal Details menu option
Click on either Purchase Price c/kg or Purchase Price $/hd.
Enter an amount
Click on OK button
Step 4. Enter QA Details:
Select the animals you have purchased, if they have become de-selected
Click on the Events button down the bottom of the Animals screen
Click on QA Purchase
Click on OK button
Step 5. To check to see if this information has been updated
Select one of the purchased animals:
Article ID 1317
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