Bring misplaced off-screen windows back
This article helps to locate off-screen windows and getting them back on the desktop, if the window needed is invisible.
Bring Back Misplaced Off-Screen Windows Back to Your Desktop
If you’ve ever hooked up your computer to a secondary monitor and then disconnected without remembering to move the windows back to the primary desktop, you’ve probably encountered this problem. The application is running, you can see it in the taskbar, but you can’t see it on the screen, because it still thinks it’s running on the secondary monitor.
Option 1: Manually Moving
Just hit any of the arrow keys (Left, Right, Down, Up), move your mouse, and the window should magically pop back onto the screen
You can also hold down Alt-Tab to reveal open windows. Click on the hidden window.Option 2: Cascade Windows
Article ID 1666
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