Step 1 (Only Once): Setting up the Default Location/Printer for the first time

Keep in mind, when you import images using this method of attaching, it will remove the images from the folder and put them into a folder that Stockyard can read from everytime - this helps keep the images from being deleted.
Follow these instructions below to setup the Scanner / Folder interface to use when attaching NVD images:
- Main Menu --> System --> Workstation --> Click on the Computer highlighted (usually the NVD Entry PC)
Scanner Interface is NOT FOUND under Devices
If you cannot find the Scanner Interface under Devices for the highlighted workstation, you can follow these steps to set it up:
- Add in by clicking (New)
- Find Belvoir - Scanner Interface
- Save (Now continue with below step)
Scanner Interface is FOUND under Devices
If you can find the Scanner Interface under Devices, click on the Scanner Interface then click on Change Settings (the button to the right)
There are two options now to use on how you want to import your images:
Below will outline what each one does.
Scan Type: Folder
When selecting the Folder scan type, this will allow you to Browse to a folder location that you will have the scans come into (either from same PC or another over the network).
Example path --
On Cloud: C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Pictures\Scans
On PC: C:\Users\User\Pictures\Scans
Click OK once you have added the Scan Folder path (You can now close out of the Workstation area -- Click YES to make Changes Operational -- and go into Livestock)

DO NOT choose a folder where other images are stored. This folder must be blank.
Scan Type: Scanner
When selecting the Scanner scan type, this will allow you to choose a scanner in the Select List to be used as the default scanner when importing images into.
- Click on the button Select (next to the Scanner Name - to the right)
- Select the correct scanner in the list
- Select the preferred colour type (we recommend either Greyscale or RGB)
- Select Bitdepth Reduction Method as DIFFUSION
- Select Bitdepth as 32-Bit
Click OK once you have added the Scanner (You can now close out of the Workstation area -- Click YES to make Changes Operational -- and go into Livestock)

If there is no Scanner listed, your printer driver may not be installed correctly with Scanner privileges.
Step 2: Importing NVD Images to Stockyard

Note: You must complete the steps above in Step 1 before starting these instructions below
Open a Livestock Sale --> Click on NVD button at top
In the NVD screen, there will be a button called Bulk Scan click on this button
There are two options to import the NVD image into Stockyard:
- This green button will use the default Scanner Interface settings setup in steps above.
- If you selected Folder as the Scan Type, the button will be labelled Import and it will import the images from the folder selected.
- If you selected Scanner in the setup, the button will be labelled Scan and will start the Scanner up and scan the images straight into Stockyard.
- This is a backup method, used when the import button doesn't seem to be bringing in the images as previously setup.
- This can also be used without needing to setup a Scanner Interface device in Workstation.
Step 3: Attaching the Image to an NVD
Now that you have imported the images in Step 2. You can now attach the image to the correct NVD
Open the NVD of choice, then click on the Image button
There will be two main buttons at the top:
- Attached Only -- This will list the images currently attached to the selected NVD
- All Images -- This lists all the images currently available in this Sale using the import button (from Step 2)
Scroll through the images in All Images (if you have more than 1), using the Next and Previous buttons to the side of 1 of 2 etc.
Once you have found the image you want to attach to the NVD, click on the button Attach
Click OK to Save the change and then click Select and you will get directed back to the NVD screen
Here you will see that under the "Image" column, a Y and N, where Y is Attached and N is Not Attached

You now have successfully attached an image.