Adding new calves - cannot change paddock

Adding new calves - cannot change paddock

If after adding a new animal, the paddock/location or mob needs to change as it has defaults to the dam. 
This occurs as Stockbook assumes that the calf is not yet weaned from the dam when it is being entered. 
The best way to reassign the calf to its correct location is to do a paddock movement once you have entered the calf so that its movements reflect that it was with the cow for the beginning of its life before being weaned. 

If you do not want Stockbook to automatically assume and enter this information, the setting can be changed by following the steps below: 

Step 1. Go to Setup > User Options


Step 2. Select the Options tab

Untick Use dam's mob, group and paddock
Be aware that if you change this it will not set a default for any animal from this movement forward.

Article ID 2044
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