Add Data Entry Template in Live Entry

Add Data Entry Template in Live Entry

There are two main types of templates that might need to used.  This article discusses the Data Entry Template.

Data Entry Templates are used when animals have already been entered into Stock Book
Add Animal Templates are used when adding new animals through Live Entry i.e. the animal/s do not exist in Stock Book

To Add A New Data Entry Template:

Step 1. Engage Live Entry

  • Click on the Live Entry toolbar icon to open.


Step 2. Select Activity

  • Click on dropdown arrow  to select an Activity from the list
    • You are provided with three default activities for Induction, Preg Test and Weighing
    • These default activities have Data Entry and Quick Add templates pre-set for the particular activities 

  • Click on the START LIVE ENTRY button 


Step 3. Choose Template

Click on 
  1. Setup 
  2. Data Entry Template menu option.


Step 4. Set Up Data Entry Template

Part A - In the Available Options column:

  1. Tick the check box beside each field you wish to include in your template. (e.g. Weights)
    Click on the "+" button to the left of the field to expand the possible options tree.
  2. Double Click the options you require or, use the red arrow to move the selected option across e.g. Weight Obs. Code, Weight
  3. These options will now appear in the Selected Options column on the right of the screen
    Quite a few of these fields will hold the entered information for each animal e.g. Weight Obs. Code

Part B- In the Selected Options Column

  1. Move the fields around so that the ones that need updating every time are near the top
  2. You can reorder the Selected Options by highlighting the option, and using the Up/Down arrows located at the bottom of the "Selected Options" window
  3. Check required options are selected and the order is correct,
  4. Click OK to save


Step 5. Verify Information on Data Entry Screen

The Live Entry Template should look like the following:

Some of the fields are default fields that will be consistent from one animal to the next, 
e.g. Wt Obs. Code / PSW - Pre Sale Weight
These can be entered manually and will automatically default to the next animal after saving.

Step 6. Save Template

  1. Click "Save Layout" at the bottom of the window

ii.  Enter a new name for the template in the "File Name" field
iii. Click OK

Once you save the template it will appear in the drop-down when starting Live Entry as shown below:


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